Then we’ve also got the fact that vertical mouse sensitivity is set to half the horizontal, and once again, I have no flipping idea why! Here’s how to fix it. In the section of both files, add this line:Īlthough why bMouseAccelration=0 would ever be set to anything higher than zero is beyond me… silly Bethesda. What about that god awful mouse acceleration issue? In the section of both files, add the following lines:ĩ0 is the default FOV of most FPS games, but you can change that to whatever makes you happy Open both Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini
Next up, the FOV is looked on Fallout 4, but a few simple tweaks can allow you to change it. Fortunately, fixes are coming thick and fast courtesy of some proactive redditors.įirst things first, make sure that you download the latest Nvidia drivers (sorry AMD fans, nothing yet) which were released today. From the game running too fast due to high FPS, mouse acceleration issues, poor FOV and more. Have you been enjoying Fallout 4 so far this week? The game has gotten off to (mostly) positive feedback from gamers and the wider gaming industry, but as with any game launch, there have been a few issues.